Thursday, October 18, 2018

Top 100+ High Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Girls & Boys | FestWishes7

Today we have brought a collection of Attitude Quotes in Hindi for you. Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Boys and Girl for Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Girl wants to share on social media. Nowadays, people share it on WhatsApp and Facebook.

These quotes have been prepared for you, they can use any kind of courtesy quotes, you can show your attitude, thoughts and coolness between your friends and others. You can share these quotes with your friends and we hope they would like to keep these statuses on their WhatsApp and Facebook. Attitude Images for Boys & Girls | Attitude Quotes for Whatsapp DP.

High Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Girls & Boys

Attitude Quotes in Hindi, Attitude Status in Hindi

Attitude Quotes in English:

Million is angry, I and her but me,
After all I found him and with him!
I hate only,
You know everything about me, when not heard !!
But is still looking to fail,
Iron that you do not remember !!
The covenant always came from the name of the heart,
He came from some other work too!
In this world, there is an abundance of burning, but,
It does not matter because we are dying to die too!
In childhood, when the match between the thread matches phone and phone matches,
I did not know that one day's life will be lost in this phone !!
Of course our jangs are small but
Members keep all sultans like Mirza !!
How are friends today, how are friends,
The wound is full or love!
Despite being unbeliever, how good you are,
What if God were faithful in you !!
This love is like a fire,
If it does not get tired and tired then it is irritation !!
You can touch the sky or right friends,
Just touch your heart!
The hand reader put me in trouble,
Looking at the riddles, you said that you will not die, you will die in memory of someone.
Also See: Attitude Status for Whatsapp in Hindi | Attitude Status for in English  

Attitude Quotes in English for Boy:

I'm going here without my own cough, even here,
A star breaks!
The laugh only happens with the person's mirror, what is the size of that person,
Age and circumstance often changes !!
The effect of being overwhelmed with me has happened,
I used to be overwhelmed by myself!
Since we have seen that he has changed,
Since then, we are also confident!
When it comes to life, life is happier
When the friends say that seeing the brother, he is giving you a line!
Outside me, my dream is also from me,
Right now you have the right to find !!
Do not bother for friends,
Heart will be even cheaper !!
Friends, see how many are left alone, you,
Do not know and how many colors you will be shown!
Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Girls

Attitude Quotes in English for Girl:

Love in Lord Krishna was also incomplete,
Well, we are still human from a modest !!
Badshaho is worried about the Taj,
We are Rajputs, we take our politics!
You are mine, I will not stay,
I am yours, I will say this right!
I'm sure the skills of your words,
I can forget that face but not my words !!
Talking about the situation,
My heart is bigger than your pocket !!
Today's Xerox Removal of the Heart,
Only childhood photos were colorful!
Desire never met,
Thought that when God considered him to worship, he would worship only
You have not satisfied me by breaking my heart,
I also said that there is nothing left except you.
You have heard more than heard,
If you want to grow from us, then be the same!
Is Duli rich or rich from home,
The door is the same sunlight of a father !!
Whenever you touched your heart, beat my heart late,
Your mention is growing at home and at home tomorrow!
Also See: Latest High Attitude Status for Whatsapp & Instagram Bio with Emoji

Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Boys, Attitude Quotes in Hindi

Attitude Quotes in Hindi:

दुश्मन बनने पर व्यक्ति बेहतर होगा
अन्यथा, कौन बुरा देख रहा है?
तब मुझे वहां से प्यार करना है, मेरे साथ शुरू करने के लिए,
तुमने मुझे बहुत नफरत के साथ देखा जहां से !!
लोग कहते हैं कि जब गुलाब की बात आती है तो उदासी खराब होती है,
हम कहते हैं कि जब कुछ नया सिखाया जाता है तो दुख अच्छा होता है !!
जब दर्पण ने सच कहा है, जिसके लिए,
जब सही देखा जाता है तो बाएं देखा जाता है !!
मेरे दोस्तों की पहचान इतनी मुश्किल नहीं है,
वे हंसते हैं और मुझे रोते हुए भूल जाते हैं !!
उसने कहा कि तुम पागल हो,
बेशक हमने केवल आपके लिए पूछा !!
एक रात उसने कहां से बात करना बंद कर दिया,
अब तक मैं रात के लिए हूँ!
कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि चेहरे अजनबियों बन जाते हैं,
लेकिन रवैया एक अजनबी है, यह एक बड़ी समस्या है !!
हम अपने कयाक में विसर्जित लोगों को विसर्जित करते हैं,
और फिर हमें कयाक के बोझ के रूप में बाहर फेंक दिया गया!
 Also See: Attitude Whatsapp Status in Hindi | Status on Attitude and Style

Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Boy:

मान लीजिए कि यह बहुत कीमती है, लेकिन फिर भी,
हम नवाब के साथ फिर मिलेंगे !!
वह बारिश के लिए मेरे प्यार को कैसे भूल जाएगा,
अगर नदी सूख जाती है, तो रेत नमी नहीं कर सकती!
आपकी दोस्ती पागल है, इसलिए हाथ एक दोस्त को छिड़का,
अन्यथा हम भी हमारे जीवन के लिए प्रार्थना नहीं करते हैं!
मैं इश्क के इस निर्माता की प्रशंसा करता हूं,
मौत भी होती है और हत्यारा पकड़ा नहीं जाता है !!
यह हर मोड़ पर आता है,
बदनासिबी कहीं भी मेरी लत है !!
मेरे दिल में मेरा दिल कौन लिखता है,
इच्छा है कि वह इसे हमारे भाग्य में लिखा होगा !!
अक्सर, हर किसी के दिल को रखने में,
मेरा दिल टूट जाता है !!
हम यहां दर्द बेचते हैं,
क्षमा करें अगर आप चोट लगी !!
यह शहर में हमारे खिलाफ नहीं चल सकता है,
तो दुश्मन की इच्छा क्या है !!
अगर कोई दस बजे उठता है तो यह जरूरी नहीं है कि वह आलसी है,
शायद उसके सपने बड़े हैं !!
Also See: 99+ New Attitude Shayari in Hindi For FB & WhatsApp Status 

Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Girls, Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Boys, Attitude Quotes in Hindi

Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Girl:

वह मेरे साथ नहीं आया था,
मैं उसे भगवान से प्यार करता हूँ!
एक चंद्रमा चंद्रमा जल्द ही आ रहा है,
आपकी जांच में मेरा चंद्रमा बुझ गया है !!
मेरी वध बहुत प्यारी है,
अजीब आदमी, खतरनाक चाहता है !!
हर दिन सूरज मुझे बताता है,
आज की तुलना में आज बहुत अधिक बेकार था !!
दिल, जो कभी नहीं मिला है,
आखिरकार, यह दिल इतना बेकार क्यों है !!
हर आदमी नहीं - आदमी, हर आदमी वफादार नहीं है;
यह दिल में आने का मामला है, अन्यथा यह सात घाटों के बाद भी प्यार नहीं है!
सपने सच नहीं हैं, जो सोते हैं,
सपने सच हैं जिसके लिए आप सोने छोड़ते हैं !!
Also See: Top 100 Attitude Images for Boys Attitude Status for FB Profile Pic

In this post we shared the best collection of High Attitude Quotes in Hindi and Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Girls with Attitude Quotes in Hindi for Boys. You will definitely share this collection and post with Friends. And do not forget to share on WhatsApp and Facebook.

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